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 none-varying parameters in fitting functions

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alex-qwerty Posted - 05/11/2011 : 12:49:10 PM
Origin 8.1 Operating System WinXP
In my fitting function I have to use in calculation some none-varying parameters that depends from user-selected range. For example, start and end values of X-range; min and max values of Y-range.
What is the best way to define and use them?
Now I define them as a varying parameters and calculate initial values in "Parameters Initialization" and then check them as "Fixed".
Is there a better way to use none-varying initial parameters?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
easwar Posted - 05/12/2011 : 2:02:55 PM

You can define constants in your fitting function, see the Help file topic on Fitting Function Organizer (or the Fitting Function Builder in latest versions) for information on defining constants.

But what you want is some fixed value that you want to change manually each time for a new dataset, based on some characteristics of the data? If that is the case perhaps your way of defining a parameter, then manually changing its value and keeping it fixed, is the easiest way.


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