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 Set Column Values behaves odd

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
myszowaty Posted - 06/24/2011 : 1:10:04 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): SR6
Operating System: XP

The problem seems very odd to me. I am trying to repeat some of my earlier work with the new set of data and simplified workbook. It involves nonlinear fit to custom function, which was completed successfully. Now I have to use the found fit coefficients for further calculations and here is where the fun begins.

This Set Value window comes from my initial work, which still works fine, the result is the column filled with numbers.

This Set Values Window comes from my recent work and it does not produce numbers, the column is filled with "--". The equation in P4+P3 is only a result of my attempts to find out what is wrong, it is supposed to be the same as in the first window.

range rParam brings in the fit coefficients and if I put D, or DP and so on, each alone, as the equation for the column, the column gets filled with the proper number. BTW, Origin stopped tolerating lower case letters as well, but only in this project. I can load the working one, as it on the upper picture, and it works fine. This change in behavior happened after upgrading to SR6, before that it was SR2. I am not sure if it was immediate, though.

The same goes for P1, or P2, or P3, or P4

P1+P1 works, P1+P2, P1+P3 do not. other operations behave the same. It seems the OUT has something to do with it.

range OUT is my argument data and when put OUT as an equation for the column, it works fine. The complete equation, does not work.

Restarting Origin and the computer did not change a thing.

So I am stuck and pretty confused.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
myszowaty Posted - 06/27/2011 : 2:04:53 PM
Thanks for the advice. The 'range out' part works, I can read the values, but nothing else has changed. Currently I am reworking the old project, which still works with apparently the same definition. I still would like to find out what is wrong with my new definition.

The getnlr function is way more descriptive than what I was doing.
Laurie Posted - 06/27/2011 : 10:42:38 AM
Is 'out' the column's long name or the name of the column itself? If it is the name of the column itself then don't use quotes.

It should be the following:

range out = summary!out;

Btw, you can also use the getnlr x-function instead of fitnl1!8:

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