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 Import ASCII file

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
muppy Posted - 07/03/2011 : 06:12:08 AM
Origin Ver. 8.5 and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System: Windows Vista

Hi all,
i have an ascii file and i want to import it in Origin

The structure of the file is the following

*xyz 80.013321 1.259931 908.232422
*xyz 80.181580 1.254288 910.152588
*xyz 80.349846 1.248613 912.072754
*xyz 80.518135 1.242931 913.992859
*xyz 80.686401 1.237231 915.913025
exit 1: 0.38735 -0.85320 0.14183 -5.22592 2.13568
*xyz 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
*xyz 0.318669 0.520443 0.000000
*xyz 0.486668 0.524754 0.000000
*xyz 0.654679 0.529099 1.920166
exit 2: 0.17055 -0.81157 -0.35667 -4.41291 1.76930
*xyz 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
*xyz 0.441033 1.424582 0.000000
*xyz 0.609280 1.429412 0.000000
*xyz 0.777577 1.434256 1.920166
*xyz 0.945896 1.439074 3.840332

I need to import obtaining the following structure

*xyz 80.013321 1.259931 908.232422 *xyz 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 *xyz 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
*xyz 80.181580 1.254288 910.152588 *xyz 0.318669 0.520443 0.000000 *xyz 0.441033 1.424582 0.000000
*xyz 80.349846 1.248613 912.072754 *xyz 0.486668 0.524754 0.000000 *xyz 0.609280 1.429412 0.000000
*xyz 80.518135 1.242931 913.992859 *xyz 0.654679 0.529099 1.920166 *xyz 0.777577 1.434256 1.920166

I.e. i need to use as delimiter the spaces between the various columns and also the line with written "exit".

Is it possible to do something like that ?

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Echo_Chu Posted - 07/05/2011 : 10:17:57 PM
Hi, Andrea

Please use import wizard to implement it.

In the Data Selection page, please select Stat New Column for Non-numeric data in numeric field drop down list. In this way, data after the line include text, exit, will be imported in new columns


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