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 Modulus Values

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DFingerhut Posted - 07/04/2011 : 5:48:50 PM

I have a worksheet with 2 coulumns of x and y values. From these values I calculate in a third column the modulus sqrt(col(a)^2+col(b)^2). After that I calculate in coulumn 4 and row 1 the maxiumum value of the modulus by


Now I would like to put in column 5 and 6 row 1 automatically the appropriate values from column A (x) and B (y) of the maximum Modulus value.

Hope somebody could help me!
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 07/05/2011 : 4:50:48 PM
Hi Daniel,

For col(A)'s max modulus with col(D)[1], you can add two columns, E and F. Then, you can use the Set Col Values formula for col(E):


(Here rmod gives the modulus of col(A) divided by col(D)[1].)
then the "Before Formula Script" script for col(F):


Add another two columns to calculate for column B.

For automatic recalculation of Set Column Values, set the "Recalculate" mode to "Auto" in that tool so that when you change the original data, it triggers the recalculation to update the result.

Hope this is what you're looking for.

--Hideo Fujii

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