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 Is there a way to Stack on Y-Yplot?

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ccu Posted - 07/05/2011 : 07:54:05 AM
Origin Ver8.51 and Service Release 2(Select Help-->About Origin):

For data on the same layer there's a stack function:

I wonder is there a way to 'Stack' the data on Y-Y plot:

The upper graph is the auto setting from Origin and the data are overlapped. In the lower one the axis is manually rescaled. It would be good if there's a way to do it automatically.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ccu Posted - 07/08/2011 : 08:40:20 AM
wow~that's a great tool. Thanks a lot Hideo!
Hideo Fujii Posted - 07/06/2011 : 10:22:14 AM
Hi ccu,

Since how far separated is a subjective judgement, I don't have the "automatic" solution,
but I suggest to utilize the feature of the "axis scroll bar".

You can grab the scroll bar (between the two green dots) at either axis left or right,
and move it up or down to shift the curve. To attach scroll bars to your double-Y graph,
here is the steps:

1) Press the Layer1 icon (small grey square " [1] ") to select the layer1.
2) Choose "Graph: Add Scroll Bar: Left" menu.
3) Press the Layer2 icon.
4) Choose "Graph: Add Scroll Bar: Right" menu.
5) Select either scroll bar, and scroll the bar up/down.

I hope you like this approach.

--Hideo Fujii
ccu Posted - 07/06/2011 : 03:29:42 AM
Hi Hideo Thanks a lot for your detailed response! I have already known your first method and more interested in the second one. To further this question, can we do the effect on the following graph in Origin? I hope there's a function in Origin to stack and arrange YYplot (both plot and axis) automatically so that they don't overlap.
Hideo Fujii Posted - 07/05/2011 : 10:48:00 AM

If you want to stack two double-Y graphs into one graph, you can first create two individual Double-Y graphs, then you can merge them by choosing "Graph: Merge Graph Windows" menu. Then, you can set the Number of Rows to 2, and Number of Columns to 1 at the Arrange Settings" option branch. After merging, double-click one of the plots to show Plot Details dialog. Then, choose Layer3 in the left panel of the dialog, go to "Link Axes Scales" tab, and link this Layer3 to Layer1, and change the "X Axis Link" to "Straight (1 to 1)" so that the Layer 3 has the same X scale to Layer1/2; So the same steps for Layer4 to make all layers refer to the same X scale to Layer1.

If you simply want to widen the gap between two plots in a single double-Y graph, the following script lifts the 1st layer 10% up, and pulls the 2nd layer 10% down. Copy this script to the Script window, highlight all lines, and press ENTER key to run it; Or, you can make a button to run this script just by a single pressing.

layer -s 1;
layer -s 2;

--Hideo Fujii

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