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 Origin 8.5 forgets Axis Scale Link

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chridddy Posted - 07/08/2011 : 08:47:55 AM

since switching to Origin 8.5 from 7.5, I'm having some difficulty with linking the axis scales of different layers. For example, in a two layer graph, I open the Layer Properties dialog and select:

Layer 2 -> Link Axis Scales -> Link to: Layer 1, Type: straight

After saying "OK", the X axis of layer 2 is rescaled to match layer 1. But after that, rescaling the x axis of either layer has no effect on the other. When going back to the Layer Properties dialog, the setting is forgotten and the "Link to:" field says "none".

I have a project file that demonstrates the problem. Could someone maybe take a look at that?

Thanks, Chris

Origin 8.5.0G SR1
Windows XP
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
chridddy Posted - 07/12/2011 : 07:18:26 AM
Hi Hideo,

thanks for looking into this. I actually rescaled the axes by using the zoom tool and the other layer did not follow. I'll be traveling for some days and won't have much time but I hope I will be able to make a screencast of the problem next week.

Thanks again and sorry that I can not give a clearer description to reproduce the error right now.

Hideo Fujii Posted - 07/11/2011 : 5:29:31 PM
Hi chridddy,

Thank you for sending your project file.
I have tried it, but unfortunately I still couldn't reproduce the problem on my German 8.5 SR1. After linking to Layer1 with 1-to-1 option, I have changed the scale of "From" and "To", and it could hold the linking with no problem. Are the changes in "From" and "To" what you rescaled? Or, something else? If so, I am completely lost to see what happened. Maybe you can reinstall Origin?

Best regards,

--Hideo Fujii
chridddy Posted - 07/11/2011 : 03:05:06 AM
Dear Hideo,

thank you very much for your reply. I have sent a project file to Meanwhile, I found that when I make the setting via the Layer Management dialog, it is remembered there. However, when going back to the Layer Properties dialog, it still says "Link to: none".
Hideo Fujii Posted - 07/08/2011 : 10:55:57 AM
Hi chridddy,

I couldn't reproduce the problem of linking layers as you pointed out.
Please send the project file to referring to this post.

Thank you.

--Hideo Fujii

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