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 Built-in scripts not working, 8.5 SR1

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OrigUserHK Posted - 08/22/2011 : 06:07:50 AM
Hi all!
I'm wonderung if anyone can help.
It seems that a lot of built-in scripts are not working.
I try to use the merge graphics function but it's not wokring:
Get theme error
GetNPrevwDlg::invokeHandlers event throw exception = 341
Unattached wrapper class members aufgerufen
C:\Programme\OriginLab\Origin85\XFC\MERGE_GRAPH.XFC(1046) :Laufzeitfehler in Origin C Funktion, Unattached wrapper class members aufgerufen
C:\Programme\OriginLab\Origin85\XFC\MERGE_GRAPH.XFC(1002) :Laufzeitfehler in Origin C Funktion, Unattached wrapper class members aufgerufen
C:\Programme\OriginLab\Origin85\OriginC\originlab\GETNBOX.C(4396) :Laufzeitfehler in Origin C Funktion, Unattached wrapper class members aufgerufen
C:\Programme\OriginLab\Origin85\OriginC\originlab\GETNBOX.C(4382) :Laufzeitfehler in Origin C Funktion, Unattached wrapper class members aufgerufen
C:\Programme\OriginLab\Origin85\OriginC\originlab\GETNBOX.C(4380) :Laufzeitfehler in Origin C Funktion, Unattached wrapper class members aufgerufen
C:\Programme\OriginLab\Origin85\XFC\MERGE_GRAPH.XFC(1338) :Laufzeitfehler in Origin C Funktion, Unattached wrapper class members aufgerufen
C:\Programme\OriginLab\Origin85\OriginC\OriginLab\GETNPREVWDLG.C(0) :Laufzeitfehler in Origin C Funktion, Unattached wrapper class members aufgerufen

When I try to copy formats from a graph, it is not working:
Message Set value theme error in script window

This is annoying.

I'm using Win7 32-bit with full admin rights and UAC turned off.
I've allready repaired the installation and recompiled al scripts.
Thanks for any help.

8.5 SR1, Win7 32-bit
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
OrigUserHK Posted - 01/18/2012 : 04:08:29 AM
Hi everyone!
Version 8.6 of Origin Pro mysteriously solved the problem.
OrigUserHK Posted - 11/16/2011 : 05:21:59 AM
Hi all!
Can anybody help me please! Working with Origin without the build-in functions is horrible.
Maybe you support guys can tell me when the error messages in the script window are thrown:
Set value theme error when copying formats in a graph
Get theme error when launching merge graphics function

Could all this be a glitch with the compiler from MS Visual Studio 2008?
Is this a problem with Win7-32bit, colleagues are running the same Origin on Win7-64bit w/o problems.
Could this be a problem with folder permissions und Win7?
OrigUserHK Posted - 09/15/2011 : 11:18:18 AM
Hi Snow!
I've uploaded the zip folder. I'm going to fill out the contact form.
I hope this gets you closer to the problem.
snowli Posted - 09/12/2011 : 5:40:00 PM
Hi Holger,

Could you install it again to a new folder and don't run it at all.

Zip up the installed Origin folder (exe folder and subfolers).
Since the file is big, could you ftp it to us?

Here is instruction of how to upload.

"LARGE FILES (>200KB) should be uploaded to the OriginLab FTP site and an email should also be sent to Technical Support.
OriginLab FTP Instructions:

Using your preferred FTP program, access our FTP site with the following information:

Host Name:
Host Type: automatic detect
Login: anonymous
Password: your email address

Place your file in the Incoming directory.
Contact us by email using our General Contact Form. Please notify us of the name of the file you have uploaded, the question you have regarding the file, and how you'd like us to assist you. "

Thanks, Snow
OrigUserHK Posted - 09/12/2011 : 06:11:23 AM
Hi Snow!
I'm affraid your suggenstions did not work.
I tried your points 1 and 2 but none of them worked.
I'm working with German Win7 Pro SP1 and German Origin 8.5 SR1 B161. I'm using a Company site license. The installation is provided as CMD-Script-File from out IT group and the installation is started using these settings:
set record=%temp%\Origin8.5\setupnonf.iss
set logfile=%temp%\Origin8.5\install.log
"%temp%\Origin8.5\Setup.exe" -s -f1"%record%" -f2"%logfile%"

I don't know if this installation is run as admin. I hope that my problem may come from these command line options.
But I also copied all files to a local hard drive and installed Origin as admin and it did not work.
snowli Posted - 09/09/2011 : 1:46:40 PM
Hi Holger,

We are not sure what's causing the problem yet.

1. Is it English OS or German OS?
2. Did you use English SN (gf....) or German SN (sf8....) to install Origin. U can check this from Help: About Origin dialog.
3. Could you also let us know the Origin Version information in Help: About Origin? Such as which Version, which SR, which Build number.
4. Did you install to a new EXE folder or did you install to a folder that may have some files left in previous installation?

Could you then try the following steps to see if the problem can be solved?
1. Right click Origin icon and choose Run as Administrator.
Choose View: Code Builder menu to open Code Builder window.
Choose Tools: Rebuild All menu.
--> Then check if the problems are solved?
If not solved, could you choose File: New Workspace... to open a new workspace. Then click Tools: Rebuild All. Then see if the problem is solved.

2. If it's still not working, in Origin workspace, could you Choose Window: Script Window menu to open Script window.
Then run
to get User Files Folder information.
to get Appdata folder.
Writethe path down.
Close Origin.
Then go to each folder in Windows Explorer and delete them.
Then right click Origin icon and run as Administrator again and specify a new User Files Folder.
Check if the problem is fixed.

If possible, could you install the build again just as you did before. Don't run Origin at all. Zip up your exe folder so we can take a look? Maybe run origin after zipping up the exe folder to let us know which such installed build, if the problem is still reproducible?

Thanks, Snow Li
OriginLab Corp.

OrigUserHK Posted - 09/09/2011 : 06:04:01 AM
Hi all!
I tried every installation type.
A fresh installation even as demo without licensing (8.5 SR1) ist not working properly. Some colleagues have similar problems and downgraded to an older version.
I have a new error message when I try to merge graphics into one:
Get theme error
TreeNode existiert nicht, Zugriff verweigert
Origin C error (341) in X-Function code.

I hope someone can help.
DataConv Posted - 08/30/2011 : 02:27:36 AM
In W7, admin is not admin as in the XP days...
Did you install Origin with right-click 'Als Administrator ausführen'?

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