Hi OszkoA,
To access and rearrange in such flexible way, you probably need a script or Origin C program to achieve.
If you're still in the learning process, and if you have question, maybe you can visit our LabTalk/OriginC forum.
To help you, the following is a sample of a LabTalk script which reassembles multiple worksheets in a workbook (I suggest you to import Excel book into an Origin workbook beforehand), arranges the contents in attribute-wise, then plots:///////////////////////////////
%J=%h; //input workbook name
range icol1=[%J]1!col(1); //item name column
range icol3=[%J]1!col(3); //unit column
inr1=icol1.getSize(); //number of rows
inly=page.nlayers; //number of tabs
window -t wks; //output worksheet
del col(2); //initially no Y column
%K=%h; //output workbook name
range ocol1=[%K]sheet1!col(1);
for(jj=1; jj<=inr1; jj++) { //loop for items
window -a %K;
worksheet -a 1; //add a column for next item
kk=jj+1; //output column number
%K!wks.col$(kk).label$=icol1[jj]$; //copy item name to LongName;
%K!wks.col$(kk).unit$=icol3[jj]$; //copy unit to Unit;
for(ii=1; ii<=inly; ii++) { //loop for tabs
%L=%J!layer$(ii).name$; //sheet name
range icol2=[%J]$(ii)!col(2);
range ocolkk=[%K]sheet1!$(kk);
ocolkk[ii]=icol2[jj]; //fill a value to output cell
for(ii=2; ii<=kk; ii++) wks.colSel(ii,1); //highlight Y cols
run.section(Plot,3Ys_Y-YY); //plot in 3 different scales
Hope this helps you to start working.
--Hideo Fujii