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 Contour Plot Color Scale

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SteffenD Posted - 10/18/2011 : 09:10:13 AM
I´ve got a problem with Origin 8.1:

I have a contour plot (xyz) with 2 Layers. The data is out of one table. My problem is that i only can have one colour scale for each Layer, but I´d like to have one colour scale for both layers, so I can compare each plot with the other.
I Hope my question conceptional because my English is not the best.

Kind of regards

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 12/07/2011 : 4:58:51 PM

I have realized that the contour and the scatter plot has the same scale, you don't have to created the second layer, but you can simply add the scatter plot to the contour's layer (by Layer Contents dialog, or by Plot Setup dialog).

--Hideo Fujii
SteffenD Posted - 10/20/2011 : 10:16:46 AM
Ah, that´s awesome. I did not think about labeling the data. Now it works. Thank you very much.

Hideo Fujii Posted - 10/19/2011 : 2:44:05 PM
Hi Steffen,

Not sure exactly what you want to achieve, but if you want to show the Z values of EACH DATA POINT, given from your XYZ worksheet:

1) Create a scatter plot from the same XY columns with the data labels from the Z column.
2) Change both the layer dimensions and the scales, equal to the contour settings.
3) Merge the contour plot and scatter plot ("Graph: Merge Graph Windows" menu) in the 1x1 arrangement.

Currently, the contour plot in Origin can show the data points, but no way to add data labels to the points.

--Hideo Fujii

SteffenD Posted - 10/19/2011 : 02:40:07 AM
Thank you very much. That helped me alot. I have had this idea also but I thought that there is a posibility to do it once for both Layers. Thanks.

But now i have another question. So is it possible to show the data value in the diagramm. In my case the values of z in the contour plot? I just found out how to make some numbers in there, but I´d like to have the value of that data point.
Thank you.

Hideo Fujii Posted - 10/18/2011 : 10:37:55 AM
Hi Steffen,

You can expand the range of the mapping levels to let the color scale contain both layers' minimum/maximum X values. To expand the level range, you can press "Level" header in Colormap/Contour tab in Plot Details to show "Set Levels" dialog. You have to make the same level mappings in both contours.

In Origin 8.1, unfortunately you have to do these operation manually. In Origin 8.5 or later, you can save the color scheme as a theme file, and apply to other contour color scale. To do so, you can do the following:

1) In Colormap/Contour tab in Plot Details, press "Level" header in level table to show "Set Levels" dialog.

2) Change "From" and "To" level values to include the Z ranges of both contours.
(You may increase the number of major levels to deal with eapansion of the level range.)

3) Turn OFF "Include Levels and Colors Only" check box in "Colormap Theme" area, and press "Save" button, and save the mapping colors to a theme file, like myExpandedLevels.OTH.

4) Go to the other contour layer, and double-click the plot to show Plot Details. Choose Colormap/Contour tab.
Press "Load" button in "Colormap Theme" area, and choose your saved theme file. (Then, you can delete a color scale of one contour, and keep the other's.)

Now, two layers share the same color mapping scheme, and you can reuse this theme file for any contour/3Dcolor plot.

Hope this helps.

--Hideo Fujii

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