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 Positioning a large quantity of labels

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rdelvill Posted - 10/30/2011 : 08:42:25 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 8 SR0 v 8.0724
Operating System: Windows 7

In a scatter plot, one can read the x, y values directly on the plot. However, it is sometimes useful to add a third value to each data point as a written label positioned on or next to the data point. One possibility in Origin is add a label (L) when selecting the data in plot set up. The problem is that when datapoints are too close to each others these labels inevitably overlap even after playing with offsets and rotation. Is there another way where one could manually drag each label individually and have a line joining the label to the datapoint? I know that the annotation tool does just that but it seems that it can only be done point by point (very time consuming and not all point need to treated this way) and, in addition, I did not succeed in assigning the correct value to the annotation (e.g. if my annotation value is listed in the column named x2, I tried $x2 in the annotation box but it gives me a wrong value)

AN example of such problem is presented in the picture
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cdrozdowski111 Posted - 06/08/2013 : 09:31:49 AM
OriginPro 9.0.0 SR2, Win7 64-bit, running in VMware Fusion 5.0.3

I came across similar behavior but when I tried to reproduce it to see how it happened, I couldn't. However, I seemed to have found a couple of workarounds that you can try. Try one or both from below.

!!! Please backup/make a copy of your project file so you can revert it easily if they don't work!!!

1) Assuming you have a scatter plot, go to the Plot Details dialog. If your labels are in a separate plot from your data make note of your label settings, delete the labels plot and enable labels in the Plot Properties for the data plot. Alter the new label settings as you wish and click the Okay button. Try to move the individual labels.

2) If the data points and labels are already in one plot, make note of all your plot and label settings in the Plot Properties dialog. Change the plot type to a different one (at the bottom of the dialog) and click the Apply button. Now change the plot type back to the original one and click the Apply button. Put your settings the way you originally had them. Now try to move the labels you wish to move.

Maybe one of these will help you out.
meili_yang Posted - 06/06/2013 : 4:36:49 PM

Please send your opj file to We will check for you.


Originally posted by Clairekun

Originally posted by meili_yang


Please check if you need any of the Service Releases. Let me know how it works.

I upgraded to the last release, but there was no change.

OriginLab Tech Support
Clairekun Posted - 06/06/2013 : 1:11:08 PM
Originally posted by meili_yang


Please check if you need any of the Service Releases. Let me know how it works.

I upgraded to the last release, but there was no change.
meili_yang Posted - 06/06/2013 : 10:02:50 AM

Please check if you need any of the Service Releases.

Let me know how it works.

Originally posted by Clairekun

Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 9
Operating System: Windows 7

I seem to be unable to move data labels individually. I have tried double-clicking the label to change offset manually and dragging and dropping it, but no avail. While I am dragging the label, though, I can see it moving, but it goes back to its initial position once I release the mouse button.

What can I do?

Clairekun Posted - 06/06/2013 : 08:11:08 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 9
Operating System: Windows 7

I seem to be unable to move data labels individually. I have tried double-clicking the label to change offset manually and dragging and dropping it, but no avail. While I am dragging the label, though, I can see it moving, but it goes back to its initial position once I release the mouse button.

What can I do?
joshgates79 Posted - 11/09/2011 : 7:24:26 PM
That was a great ability of yours men :) LOL

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Josh Gates
Laurie Posted - 11/09/2011 : 1:25:56 PM
The ability to move each label individually has been added as a feature in our latest version of Origin. What both Shirley and Kenny were talking about is not supported in Origin 8.0.

OriginLab Technical Support
rdelvill Posted - 11/09/2011 : 11:21:48 AM

I was not able to find a proper solution to my problem despite the previous comments. I am dealing with a lot a data so I want to avoid having to edit each label individually. To attach a label to many points the most efficient way I found is to select, in the plot setup menu, the column L (label) for the desired data. This automatically display a written value over of data points. The problem is that, when there is a high density of points, the labels inevitably overlap. Furthermore I am not able to move the label individually. The only possibility to move the labels is in the plot details menu with shift and rotation but, unfortunately, this affects all the points so I cannot get rid of overlaps this way. The only way is clearly, to be able to move each label individually when needed but I was not unable to find a way to do it.
Picture below is another example of such situation

What are my options? How can this problem be solved? Thanks for the help


kennyliu Posted - 11/06/2011 : 10:17:32 PM
Originally posted by rdelvill

Is there another way where one could manually drag each label individually and have a line joining the label to the datapoint?

Hi rdelvill,

In fact you can, to drag a specific label, you need to create a special point:
1. Click on the labels (you can choose any of them).
2. Click on the specific label that overlapped with the others.
3. Drag the label to the desired place.

Note that this won't create a line to connect the label with the data point.

However, we are planning to add such feature in next version of Origin (maybe 9.0), ORG-4311.


OriginLab Dev Team.
Shirley_GZ Posted - 11/01/2011 : 03:12:11 AM
Hi rdelvill,

Please use the below syntax to quote the values in the col(x2)as annotation label:


For example,

Besides, you can press CTRL key to drag-and-drop one single label to adjust its position.


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