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 Working with Script Window

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
shafei Posted - 11/03/2011 : 1:46:52 PM
Origin Ver: 8.01
Operating System: 7

I am trying to learn how to work with script window. I have f(A,B,C,D), and would like to plot f vs. A and B while C and D are constants. My adviser has provided me with this commands:

matrix -ps X 0 1;
matrix -ps Y 1 5;
matrix -v f(y,x,1, 2);

or in another case,

matrix -ps X 0 1;
matrix -ps Y 1.17 1.22;
matrix -v f(y,x,1,.6);

Can you please tell me how they work? How exactly X and Y are related to x and y? Where can I find a link to learn more about this kind of programming. Apparently it is very useful and saves time!
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 11/04/2011 : 3:02:16 PM

In this command with -ps option, "X" and "Y" are not variables to store the values, but a mere indication for the mapping target to the coordinate. The mapping is equivalent to the settings in Matrix Dimension and Labels dialog (XY Mapping tab) - "Matrix: Set Dimension/Labels" menu. Try to press F1 on this dialog.)

--Hideo Fujii
shafei Posted - 11/04/2011 : 02:02:56 AM
I read the document but still have some questions. I understand that
matrix -ps X 0 1;
matrix -ps Y 0 1;
means that X and Y are the variables and their values are in the range of 0 and 1. But what are x and y values or i and j values. Apparently, as document says, are "the row and column number value for any particular cell", but it is very confusing! What is the value in i and j cell and how is it determined? How X and Y are related to x and y or i and j. Can you please clarify?
Hideo Fujii Posted - 11/03/2011 : 2:53:23 PM
Hi shafei,

These are "matrix" LabTalk command, and can be found in the LabTalk help in Origin; Or, you can find the same information in the following LabTalk Wiki documents:

--Hideo Fujii

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