T O P I C R E V I E W |
kencedric |
Posted - 11/08/2011 : 11:01:28 AM Hey guy, i need Help... i want to plot xyz using labtalk skript. My x-data are in column N°47, my y-data in column N°48 and my z-data in column N°49. How can i simply do it? I am using it for the first time. Thx
2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
kencedric |
Posted - 11/08/2011 : 12:07:51 PM Drbobshepherd thx for ur Help...
Drbobshepherd |
Posted - 11/08/2011 : 11:41:10 AM 1. Make sure the columns are of the correct types using the following:
wks.col47.type=4; // Make Col47 type X. wks.col48.type=1; // Make Col48 type Y. wks.col49.type=6; // Make Col49 type Z.
2. Select columns:
worksheet -s 47 0 49 0; // Select columns 47-49.
3. Plot:
worksheet -p 240 3d; // Generate an XYZ scatter plot using the default settings in the 3d template.
You may want to change the settings and save your own template. |