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 Y axis scale increment helps

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ASamson Posted - 11/21/2011 : 12:55:51 PM
Hello -

I am using OriginPro 8.5.1 SR2. I am trying to graph chemical data (x-axis) versus depth below surface on the y-axis. I want the scale to be from 12625 to 12345. I can make Origin do that. However, I keep getting a default increment of -50. When I try and change it to -10, there is no response from Origin. I can't find anything in the help module to help me figure out how to make this work. This is the first time I haven't been able to get Origin to work.

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Hideo Fujii Posted - 11/21/2011 : 3:29:57 PM
Hi ASamson,

When the gap between major ticks is too narrow to display, Origin won't accept the value. In my test, the minimum in your case was -14. I suggest you to set the Increment to -20, and the number of Minor Ticks to 1.

--Hideo Fujii

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