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 OriginLap should participate at Installer Challeng

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
burnus Posted - 07/19/2005 : 10:55:29 AM

Codeweavers offers to fix all installation bugs under CrossOver Office for free, given that they get a (single) licence - otherwise they cannot debug - and, when working, a test case ensuring that there won't be a regression.

Since Codeweavers feeds all fixes back to the Wine project, every Wine user profits from that.

While I (or other users) could buy the Origin licence, it makes sense that OriginLabs gives them. (The licences are unfortunally quite expensive and OriginLabs could make newer versions available to CW too.)

We - the Origin on Wine/Linux users and potential users - only need to convince OriginLab to do so. Since it costs almost nothing, it shouldn't be to hard.

Currently, Origin 7.5 installs fine as demo and fails at the password dialog of the real



PS: At our institute, we employ several Origin 6 (mostly Windows, also Linux) and Origin
7.5 (currently, see above, only Windows).

PPS: If OriginLab does not want to write/run the cxtests, I'd volunteer to do so, if they provide Codeweavers with one licence. (I'll use my own licence for the tests.)

Edited by - burnus on 07/19/2005 10:57:12 AM

Edited by - burnus on 07/28/2005 3:55:12 PM
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
burnus Posted - 08/08/2005 : 08:25:31 AM
Ok, mean while the installation is 99.9% running. Status:

  • Origin 6: Installs and runs nicely and with newer versions of Wine/CrossOver Office pre-5.0 even saving works
    Everything I tried worked ("Help" does not work by default, yet)

  • Origin 7.5: With current Wine (and CrossOver Office pre-5.0), Origin installs fine and running is also ok. Issues:

    • Installation: With current CrossOver Office pre-5.0, the installation stops after closing the you-have-installed dialog using the "Finish" button. CXSetup (of CrossOver) waits for that Window to close before it starts to reboot Wine etc. If one manually kills the install window, everything is fine.

    • Registration: Automatically via the button does not work, one has to go manually to the webpage of OriginLab

    • Import Assistent does not work (nothing happens if clicked)

    • Setup diagram does not work (nothing happens if clicked)

    • Design Gallery crashes Origin

    • Help and "download help" do not work yet

Help support and XML-support (for help download) are currently improved in Wine.

Wine is GPL software and available (for free) from, CodeWeavers' CrossOver Office (CXO) is based on Wine and available (for some fee) at; CXO is basically Wine with some framework to make the life a bit easier (esp. for Installation and Plugins). (Note that CodeWeavers feeds all their changes back to Wine.)


PS: I run daily automatic regression tests against the nightly builds of CodeWeavers' CXO with Origin6 and Origin7.5, which should prevent any regression of the installation or starting of the program.

PPS: I'd still like to see OriginLab with CodeWeavers (or with any other Wine developer) to iron out the hanging at the end; I wouldn't mind to get other problems with Wine ironed out too, but I probably demand to much.
Anyhow my CXO nightly tests payed off already: They found one regression with the installer which (thanks CW!) has now been fixed in Wine and CXO.

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