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 "prtconf -v" output explanation needed

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
smallfish86 Posted - 12/11/2009 : 03:47:29 AM
Dear all, Happy Eid isA I've a question about the output of the command "prtconf -v" How can I extract info about hardware and peripherals from it ?
i.e. Assuming server having sunOs 5.10 system I need to know the hardware configuration like disk and emc if any and the size
The desired info after reading the output of the command should be " 1 Sun-StorEdge 3320 and it¡¯s for database /disk1= 273GB 2 Disks for system are mirrored = 146GB EMC storage= 600GB " How can I realize this info? And how can i read the output of "prtconf -v"?
Thanks in advance Hatem Wasfy

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