I'm using the fitting function organizer (of origin 8.1)and i have a problem when i try to compile in the origin code builder.
This is my code:
#pragma warning(error : 15618)
#include <origin.h>
void _nlsfcfitqhi(
// Fit Parameter(s):
double V0, double popF2q1, double popF2q2, double popF1q1, double popF1q2,
// Independent Variable(s):
double x,
// Dependent Variable(s):
double& y)
// Beginning of editable part
// End of editable part
Please, don't tell me my fitting function is too long 
The error that appears is:
C:\Users\jonathan\Documents\OriginLab\81\User Files\OriginC\NLSF\_nlfcfitqhi.fit(30) :Error, function or variable abs not found
C:\Users\jonathan\Documents\OriginLab\81\User Files\OriginC\NLSF\_nlfcfitqhi.fit(40) :Error, function or variable not found
C:\Users\jonathan\Documents\OriginLab\81\User Files\OriginC\NLSF\_nlfcfitqhi.fit(30) :Error, function or variable abs not found
C:\Users\jonathan\Documents\OriginLab\81\User Files\OriginC\NLSF\_nlfcfitqhi.fit(40) :Error, function or variable not found
C:\Users\jonathan\Documents\OriginLab\81\User Files\OriginC\NLSF\_nlfcfitqhi.fit(30) :Error, function or variable abs not found
C:\Users\jonathan\Documents\OriginLab\81\User Files\OriginC\NLSF\_nlfcfitqhi.fit(40) :Error, function or variable exp not found
C:\Users\jonathan\Documents\OriginLab\81\User Files\OriginC\NLSF\_nlfcfitqhi.fit(40) :Error, general compile error
C:\Users\jonathan\Documents\OriginLab\81\User Files\OriginC\NLSF\_nlfcfitqhi.fit(30) :Error, error(s) found in compiling function _nlsfcfitqhi
Compile Failed!
i was a little bit surprised when i saw that "exp" and "abs" are considered as unknwon functions because i used these into another fitting function without problem.
I need help, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease