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 Customizing output information of fitting table
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Posted - 04/24/2012 :  04:32:09 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.5.0
Operating System: Windows 7

Hi, maybe a simple question but I didn't quite figure out. When I perform fitting over several curves (in this case, a linear fitting) and select the output table, I will get something like this:

cl (1) Intercept 0 --
cl (1) Slope 0.07312 0.00034
cl (2) Intercept 0 --
cl (2) Slope 0.07583 0.00034

Where the rows in the first column will appear merged (aka the two cl (1) lines are merged into one). The code behind these cells - cl(1) in the case - is:


I would like to programatically like this information to the worksheet long name. How can I do it? I want to have this table copied into Excel, but thought that copying text from the legend would solve it, but it doesn't - Origin doesn't translate the programmed value %(1,@wl) when copying to the clipboard.



1965 Posts

Posted - 04/24/2012 :  11:50:00 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi LC,

If I understand correctly, you may have multiple sheets where some columns have same long name, but sheets themselves have different names (such as the name of the data file), and when fitting multiple data, the sheet name information is lost in the report sheet, as we only use the long name.

Probably the best workaround is that before you plot and analyze your data, run some script to add the sheet name to the long name of your columns? That way all columns will have unique long names that include the sheet name, so the report will then have unique name entries? If this works for you, and you need help with the script, post again.

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