Hi! My data fit to the equation y=m*k^c((x-k)^(-c)) so I use the Belehradek equation y=a(x-b)^c (origin8, windows7), but the program doesn't do any fitting with this equation..I have tried by editing the Belehradek equation so that it mathces more to the one I have, without any good results Any advices on how to fix it? Thanks
I guess that in NLFit your initial values of the parameters in your user-defined fitting function either have not been give, or far from the targeted data. In NLFit, if you press Chi^2 button in NLFit, your current curve should appear in your plot. Has the curve been shown close to the data points?
(If you're using pre-8.x version of Origin, I don't have much suggestions because they are so different from the 8.x's NLFit.)