If you already have the data in different workbooks, you can run the following
simple script to merge books into one, plot (30 of) them into a single layer,
then fit (with Line function in this sample) all plots using in the way of
Independent Fit in the "Multi-Data Fit Mode"
The result parameters of all data are in a single report sheet.
merge_book; //merge into one book
plotxy (1:30)!(1,2,3) plot:=202; //Line+Sym
nlbegin (1:30) Line tt weight:=ins; //fit with Line function with YErr
nlend 1 autoupdate:=1;
If you want to have the individual graphs for all plots in this graph, you can press
two tool buttons, "Extract to Layers" and "Extract to Graphs" consequently.
Hope this helps you.
--Hideo Fujii