Hi everyone. Sorry if this is a repetition on a previous post - I searched but couldn't find my problem.
I am currently trying to define and save a fitting function. It is a long polynomial, but won't work in the standard expression window.
I have therefore tried the Origin C option. I have tried defining and saving the function many times. It gets to the point where I compile and I can also use the quick check which gives me the correct result, so I know the function works. I then continue and save but then it won't let me select my user defined function when applying the fit. I just get the error
You create the user-defined function in Fitting Function Builder, right? Do you input the Initialization Code for the parameters? If so, do you compile this code?
Without your project(OPJ) and fitting function file(FDF), we can not reproduce the problem.You'd better send your OPJ and FDF files to us, including the detail steps of creating the fitting function. We can try it.
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