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 using string variables within workbook addresses
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Posted - 08/06/2012 :  12:23:47 PM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. 8.6.0 32 bit; WinXP latest build
Using a formula in the set column values, is it possible to use a string variable to insert a workbook name into a range variable formula? I want to use a list of workbook names included as a text column in the current workbook. This would allow me to gather statistics from a large number of workbooks.
Something like:
Before Formula Scripts:
string workbookname$ = col(workbookname);
range r1 = [workbookname$]sheet!Col(Column);

C. Peter Bengtson

Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Neurowissenschaften (IZN)

Universität Heidelberg +49-(0)6221-546484 (lab)

Im Neuenheimer Feld 364 +49-(0)6221-546700 (fax)

69120 Heidelberg, GERMANY


644 Posts

Posted - 08/06/2012 :  8:57:42 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

Yes, of course, you can use the string variable, such as:

Before Formula Scripts:

string workbookname$ = book1;  // workbook name is book1 here
range r1 = [workbookname$]sheet1!col(1);  // use the string variable

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Posted - 08/10/2012 :  03:57:07 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
The value of your string "workbookname$" remains fixed as "book1". I am trying to assign the entries in a column to a string variable. Something like:
string workbookname$ = col(X); // column(X) contains a text list of the workbook names.
Is it possible to feed text from a column into the value of a string variable somehow?
thanks, Peter
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Posted - 08/10/2012 :  04:55:48 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Peter,

If I got your meaning right, the book name is listed as the following image shows, right?

If so, please try the following script.

range ra = [book1]sheet1!col(A);  // column A
range rwks = [book1]sheet1!;  // sheet1
for(ii = 1; ii <= rwks.maxrows; ii++)  // loop to get all the book names
	string strbookname$ = ra[ii]$;  // get the iith book name	
	strbookname$ = ;  // print the book name

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Posted - 08/13/2012 :  10:05:43 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Penn,
Your script can generate a list of booknames. I want to use the booknames in a formula. For example in column fxColA of book1 I would like to calculate the maximum value in each of all the Col(A) in books 2 to 5 and have them listed in book1 column fxColA in each row next to the corresponding book name which is listed in column A of book1.

I know I could generate a new statistics output sheet with max values but this is just a starting point example. I want to use more complex equations than just the maximum function and I want to generate these results according to a column of book names.

C. Peter Bengtson

Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Neurowissenschaften (IZN)

Universität Heidelberg +49-(0)6221-546484 (lab)

Im Neuenheimer Feld 364 +49-(0)6221-546700 (fax)

69120 Heidelberg, GERMANY
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Posted - 08/13/2012 :  9:11:49 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Peter,

I think you can merge the two example scripts I provided in my two replies. For example:

range rBook1ColA = [book1]sheet1!col(A);  // column A in book1 sheet1
range rBook1fxColA = [book1]sheet1!col(fxColA);  // column fxColA in book1 sheet1
range rBook1Wks = [book1]sheet1!;  // sheet1 in book1
for(ii = 1; ii <= rBook1Wks.maxRows; ii++)  // loop to get book names for calculation
	string strBookname$ = rBook1ColA[ii]$;  // get the book name
	range rr = [strBookname$]sheet1!col(A);  // define the corresponding column A
	rBook1fxColA[ii] = max(rr);  // calculate the maximum and put to column fxColA

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Posted - 08/14/2012 :  11:29:56 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Problem solved. Thanks alot for your help.
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Posted - 04/15/2016 :  05:23:55 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
I would like to expand on this to generate a sheet of column labels from the workbooks listed in a column. I tried the following script but it doesn't like the string variable. (string expression error! BOOK:failed to add variable to local stack!)
What am I doing wrong?

// copy column long names from columns 1 to 50 from Sheet1
// in each of 35 books whose names are listed in col("booknames")
// in the active sheet
loop (j,1,35)
string book$ = col("booknames")[j]$;
loop (i,1,50)
range r1 = [book$]Sheet1!wcol(i); // Point to the source column
range r2 = wcol(i); // Point to the target column in the active sheet
r2[j] = r1[L]; // place the column long name into the target sheet
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Posted - 04/19/2016 :  06:03:52 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Peter,

Variable "i" and "j" are Origin reserved built-in variables, i denotes row index and j denotes column index. You should at least try to avoid using those two names as variable names.

r1[L]=>r1[L]$ // it is a string



OriginLab Tech.

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Posted - 05/11/2016 :  11:48:28 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
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