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 DDE data import
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6 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2002 :  09:38:44 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Can I import data directly (without writing LabTalk scripts) to the Origin 6.1 (not Origin Pro) worksheets from, for instance, LabView or other software, using DDE ?

I can do it with Excel, but it fails to work with Origin.

Mike Buess

3037 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2002 :  10:05:41 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
OriginPro comes with a DDE demo and some VB and C++ source files. Look for them in the ATI subfolder. Hope that helps.

Mike Buess
Origin WebRing Member
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6 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2002 :  10:12:32 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

OriginPro comes with a DDE demo and some VB and C++ source files. Look for them in the ATI subfolder. Hope that helps.

Mike Buess
Origin WebRing Member

I'm sure that can help. But not in my case. Unfortunately I have only Origin, not Origin Pro. How to be in this case ? And can I use NetDDE with Origin ?
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Mike Buess

3037 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2002 :  3:44:12 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
I doubt if you can get by without using a little LabTalk script. I have a very simple DDE communication between LabView and Origin. LabView saves its data to a file and then issues a DDE command to Origin telling it to run a macro and suppling the file name/path as an argument. It works quite smoothly, but the macro contains instructions for opening the file and handling the data afterwards. If you are interested I can elaborate.

Mike Buess
Origin WebRing Member
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1379 Posts

Posted - 02/19/2002 :  11:01:24 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
The OriginPro samples demonstrate using Origin as a DDE Server. Using Origin as a DDE Client does require some LabTalk programming except in a specific case.

Here is an example that retrieves data from Excel in blocks of 5 rows by 5 columns. Set up an Excel worksheet with 100 rows of 5 columns of data. The first column should be your increasing X values. Now run this script in Origin:

for(ready=0,attempts=0;ready==0&&attempts<10;attempts++) {
dde -c Excel|System idSys;
sec -p 1;
if(idSys>=0) ready=1;
if(attempts>=10) {
type -a Request timed out. Terminating...;
} else {
type -a Connected, retrieving info.;
dde -r idSys Topics;
dde -d idSys;
getn (Select a Topic:) ii:Z (Excel System Topics);
dde -c Excel|%[%Z,#ii] idXL;
wo -a 2;
set %H -e 100;
wo -s 0 0 0 0;
wo -p 201 scatter;
repeat reps {
dde -rc idXL R$(currentrow)C1:R$(currentrow+blocksize-1)C26 Data1!R$(currentrow)C1:R$(currentrow+blocksize-1)C26;
sec -p delay;
dde -d idXL;
type Finished.;

The script first establishes that Excel is running, then offers the user a choice of DDE 'Topics' - select the worksheet you already setup. The data is brought into Origin in rows of 5 and plotted at one second intervals.

Here is an example that doesn't involve LabTalk scripting:

  1. Open an Excel workbook or worksheet file.
  2. Select a region in a sheet.
  3. Select Edit : Copy
  4. Go to Origin and click in the home cell of a worksheet (Row 1, Column 1).
  5. Select Edit : Paste Link

That's it. There is now a DDE link between the Excel region and the Origin worksheet (one-way, from Excel to Origin). If you make a change in the Excel worksheet, that change is sent to Origin via DDE.

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