Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Operating System: win7
Maybe a stupid question, but I havent figured out how I should do it: I have created an plot with Origin (arbitrary size) and I want to print it on a quarter of a piece of paper. Usually there should be an option for printing 4 pages on one slide, but in my there isnt (probably because I have only one page to print... the plot). So my question is: Can I scale down plots in Origin in a very easy and convenient way (without replotting it)?
You can also open a new Layout window in Origin. Then right click it and choose Add Graph... Select the Graph window you want to add into Layout. Then when your mouse is on layout window, the cursor will turn into a graph shape. Drag a square and release the mouse.
The graph window will be added into layout. You an click to resize it to be a quarter of the window and move it to any position.