Hello, I am new to this tool so i have one column with values. And another one where i want to put half value from the first column but only for numbers (< 480) What i want to ask you is if i can do this only from the Set column values box or i need to make a function. Thank you
There are multiple ways to that. You can use conditional operator to set column value. For example to use col(A)/2<480?col(A)/2:"". If col(A)/2<480 is true, then col(A)/2 becomes the value. Otherwise "" which is blank becomes the value. Besides, worksheet query extracts data with user-specified conditional expression. If you want to make a plot you can also mask the cells by conditions. Masked data can be differentiated or not shown in the graph. All of these should help.
In addition, Origin 9 supports data filter, a very easy way to filter large datasets by different conditions.