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29 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2013 : 06:26:20 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 8.5.0 SR1 Operating System: win7 When the sigmoidal line (short dot) is drawn, the only condition is that tangents are drawn from the beginning of each specified limit.
Please find more details in the insert image.
Thanks for your help.
Edited by - rainbowkoala on 10/19/2013 06:56:29 AM |
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Posted - 10/21/2013 : 05:29:30 AM
Hi, Koala
I am a little confused and not so clear the relationship of tangent lines and the sigmoidal lines.
Do you mean you have known the tangents of sigmoidal lines, which is the solid line in image and you want to find the sigmoidal line which is drawn in short dot in your image
Echo OriginLab Corp. |
29 Posts |
Posted - 10/23/2013 : 09:57:10 AM
Hi, Echo I appreciate the detailed and useful comment. Yes, you are right. Then How to get the sigmoidal line£¿ Thanks for your help.
Hideo Fujii
1582 Posts |
Posted - 10/24/2013 : 11:50:13 AM
Hi rainbowkoala,
It seems you don't have any specific sigmoidal function. The left asymptote seems not a constant Y. So, I assume that drawing such curve numerically is enough for your purpose. Then, the following crude method may satisfy you. Please see the attached screenshot.
Here, you first should have the coordinates and the slopes of the START and GOAL points (it seem you have already); and you can give the estimates of the X position of the local minimum and the inflection point. The idea is that you can create the interpolated slopes (col(D)) from these values, then get the function values (col(G)) based on that. These column calculation and plot (Graph1) are automatically recalculated by changing the specific entered slope at the inflection point.
You can just manually enter this value until you get the satisfied Y value at the GOAL as seen in the graph.

If you have the model function, and the coordinates of some data points, you may better take the fitting approach. Anyway, I hope this helps a bit for your project.
--Hideo Fujii OriginLab |
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