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7 Posts |
Posted - 06/21/2002 : 12:06:07 AM
recently i changed from origin 6.1 to 7. one of the new functions of origin 7 is that it can import *.spc files. but all of the x and y data are contained in one column.then if i use origin 6.1 to open this file, i cann't find the value for x axis.i want to konw how to extract the x value. thanks a lot! |
1965 Posts |
Posted - 06/24/2002 : 09:55:15 AM
Origin 7 stores the X information from SPC files in the column, and uses the information when creating a plot, for instance. In 7, the X information can be viewed by double-clicking on the black triangle in the header of the Y column to bring up a dialog that displays all the information that was available in the SPC file. Earlier versions cannot read this information.
If you select the Y column with the SPC data and then use the menu item "View->Show X Column", an X column will be added to the left of the Y column. You can then save the project and reopen it for use in ver 6.1
Easwar OriginLab. |
7 Posts |
Posted - 06/25/2002 : 04:29:01 AM
thank you for your help! and i noticed the black triangle. but when i selected the column(it was set as Y), the "show X column" was cann't be applied. i am confused.I am looking for your suggestions. thank you very much! |
1965 Posts |
Posted - 06/25/2002 : 08:53:08 AM
I suspect your SPC file is such that the EvenX Initial Value and EvenX Increment are both 1. You can check this by double-clicking on the black triangle. For SPC files of this type, there is a bug - the View->Show X menu item is not available if the Y column with the SPC data is the very first column in your worksheet.
This bug may get resolved in the next service release. For now, try this workaround: 1> Open a new worksheet 2> Change the A col to type Y and fill in some number in the first row 3> Drag-and-drop your SPC file onto the worksheet - Col B will have your SPC data 4> Highlight Col B and use the menu command View->Show X Column. This will add an X column (named col C) to the left of B, and that will have the X information. 5> Delete col A. You can now save the project and reopen in 6.1.
For SPC files that have x increments not equal to 1, this problem does not exist.
Easwar OriginLab. |
7 Posts |
Posted - 06/25/2002 : 10:42:36 PM
thanks for your suggestions. I did as you described, but it still didn't work.I paste the information of the spc file as below:
EvenX Initial Value:397.335144042969 EvenX Increment:1.9288112809433
header info:
[MainHeader] FileName = D:\data\IR\VAPOR.SPC Instrument technique code = 0 Number of points in the file (if not XYXY) = 2077 Floating X coordinate of first point = 397.335144042969 Floating X coordinate of last point = 4401.54736328125 Integer number of subfiles (1 if not TMULTI) = 1 Type of X axis units = 1 Type of Y axis units = 2 Type of Z axis units = 1 Date/Time = 07/19/1994 19:50:00:000 Resolution = 4. cm-1 Source instrument = Peak point number for interferograms (0=not known) = 0 spare = comment = X axis label = Wavenumber (cm-1) Y axis label = Absorbance Z axis label = Arbitrary File Modification Flags = Method/program/data filename = Z subfile increment = 1 Number of planes for 4D with W dimension (0=normal) = 0 W plane increment = Type of W axis units =
[SubHeader] Subfile Index = 1 Located column Name = B Subfile's starting Z value = 1 Subfile's ending Z value = 1 Number of subfile points for TXYXYS type = number of co-added scans or 0 (for collect) = 1 Waxis value =
[Log Text]
i wish to see the service package of the bug soon, thanks! |
1965 Posts |
Posted - 06/26/2002 : 10:22:44 AM
What version of Origin do you have? I think the problem you are experiencing was a bug in the 7 release version, and has been fixed in the SR1 patch.
Easwar OriginLab. |
7 Posts |
Posted - 06/26/2002 : 11:08:23 AM
i am using origin 7.0 SR0, how can i get the SR1 patch? thank you very much!
1965 Posts |
7 Posts |
1965 Posts |
Posted - 06/27/2002 : 3:55:46 PM
Once you get SR1 going, just drag-and-drop the SPC file onto the gray area of the Origin interface (outside of any window). This will then create a new worksheet with just one Y column with the SPC data in it. You can then right away do the menu command "View->Show X Column" to create your X column.
Easwar OriginLab. |
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