I compiled a graph that shows Data from an experiment, whose resolution isn't the best. In the following graph one can see the Data-points and an individual analysis of the Data (red circle). The problem is that the points in this plot aren't several datapoints, but many stacked datapairs and i want Origin to colour the points in a way that one can estimate how many datapairs are stacked on that point.
I couldn't find any options, neither by click and try, nor by searching similar problems, nor in the Origin-Tutorial-pdf. I hope you can help me.
This should be exactly what i want. If i'm not mistaken i could download this and try the feature. Unfortunately i can not see more than interrogation marks when clicking on the link 92DemoGraphing.opj. Or is it just for internal use?
We would love to have your feedback on this new feature. I can send you information about how to download the a test version (Beta1) of the upcoming 9.2 Release. Please send an email to tech@originlab.com with the subject line " BetaTest- Kernel Density" and we can reply from there with the info and the relevant links.