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 User File Transfer incomplete
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Posted - 12/18/2014 :  7:01:02 PM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): b9.2.214
Operating System: win7

Until Version 9.0 it used to be possible to simply copy the User File folder from a previous version to get everything set up the way I want it in a new version.

Since 9.1 this is no longer possible and the replacement "Transfer User Files" tool does NOT what it is supposed to do. Bugs in detail:

Custom menu entries (.cnf files) are not copied at all

The setting to activate custom menu entries in the origin.ini file are not copied either, as the origin.ini is not copied or differences merged in the new one

custom .c files to define functions to use in Origin are copied, but not imported into the System folder of the Origin C Workspace, so they are not actually useable until they are manually imported there.

Custom fitfunctions have not been copied either, even if the recursive button was selected. One had to call the Transfer Tool twice and select the fitfunction folder the second time

To sum it up what used to be a 2sec job to get a complex customisation copied between versions (and users) has been replaced by a half an hour nightmare of manual steps.

I hope this is fixable in future versions


287 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2014 :  06:01:52 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

Thanks to tell us the problems in "Transfer User Files" tool.

And the issues "Custom menu entries (.cnf files) and origin.ini file can not be transfered" , and "the transfered custom .c files could not show in the Workspace" are by default. And we will do more discussion and consider to improve it.

Custom fit functions files can be transfered. Could you show us the files' location? And I am not sure the step "One had to call the Transfer Tool twice and select the fitfunction folder the second time" in your description.

In the "Transfer User Files" dialog, checking the "Fitting Functions" checkbox, the FDF files will show under Source Loaction list box. Select the files click "->" button to move them, and click "Transfer" button, then the files should be transfered.

Hope this information could help you.


Edited by - JacquelineHe on 12/19/2014 06:03:44 AM
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