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5 Posts |
Posted - 05/15/2015 : 05:59:01 AM
I am using Origin 9.1 and I am not (yet) very experienced. It would be great if somebody could help me with my problems. Thanks! It has been driving me mad for a while now 
My output data has the following format. 2015-05-12 16:16:47.1, 39,42403, 1,822083, 200, 101,7944 2015-05-12 16:16:48.1, 39,36256, 1,823126, 200, 101,7961 2015-05-12 16:16:49.1, 39,3415, 1,823484, 200, 101,7952
The first 2 columns are the date and time (Origin always puts it into 2 columns due to the space in between)
What I want, should look like this: time (s) here the values of the 3rd column 1 39,42403 2 39,36256 3 39,34151
So my first problem is, that it does not recognise the first 2 columns as a date. Moreover I do not know how to transform it to seconds... I did not find a solution that works online.
My second problem (which I had encountered with other data as well) is that my values are separated by a comma and at the same time they have a comma in the middle to separate the decimals. How can I tell Origin that one is a separator and the other belongs to the value. (If I separate my values while importing by commas, origin separates my values in the middle... )
Moreover, sometimes Origin messes up the values, which are "shorter" They have a 0 as a last decimal place, so instead of 39,34150, the values is 39,3415,
I am sorry for all those questions, but I would really appreciate your help! Thanks!!!
262 Posts |
Posted - 05/17/2015 : 11:12:50 PM
You need to set the date format consistent with the desired display format, Please refer to page below:
You can also send the sample OPJ file to us for a further check.
Best regards! Jason OriginLab Technical Service |
5 Posts |
Posted - 05/18/2015 : 04:31:50 AM
Thank you very much for your reply!!!
What is still not working though, is to get my data values right, becuase my values are separated by a comma and have a comma in between. So my y-values have the form: 39,4569, 40,455, 40,762,
And so on...
When I try to plot this data against time, origin does not recognise that the first comma is separating the decimals while the 2nd one just is end of the value...
Is there any function that I can apply to delete the last comma?
262 Posts |
Posted - 05/18/2015 : 04:49:02 AM
We can select Column: Set Column Values in Origin menu, then use the formula below to remove the last ','
You can also use the Edit: Replace to replace another ',' with a dot.
Best regards! Jason OriginLab Technical Service
1411 Posts |
Posted - 05/18/2015 : 10:40:54 AM
Origin supports treating multiple delimiters as one delimiter during Import.
E.g. in your data, if delimiter is ", and space", then treat them as a delimiter. if there is just , (not space after it), treat it as decimal places.
E.g. i made a txt file and choose File: Import: Single ASCII... Choose the text file. Check the Show Options checkbox in the open file dialog. impASC dialog opens.
Expand Import Options-> File Structure node. Set Data Strcture as Delimited - Multiple Characters Set Multiple Delimiters as , (please type a space after comma) --> Blue hints tells you what delimiters you typed.
Set Numeric Separator as 1.000,00 or it may already be so in G OS. Set Custom Date Format as yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'.'# Note: You can click > button next to Theme on the top of this dialog to same this setting as a dialog theme file and in the future, load it for similar import.

Two other questions: If you want to show 39,34150, you can double click the column header to open Column Properties dialog. Set Digits there.
Thanks, Snow OriginLab Corp. |
Edited by - snowli on 05/18/2015 10:48:16 AM |
5 Posts |
Posted - 05/18/2015 : 1:25:49 PM
Thank you!!! |
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