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 Control of line styles within a single plot
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Ian Lindsay

8 Posts

Posted - 10/14/2002 :  06:55:16 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic

Is there any way of independently controlling the style of the lines connecting pairs of data points within a line or line+symbol plot in Origin 6.1?

I would like to plot a set of data where the dependent (y) value can change in two different ways. To differentiate between these two I would like to plot a line+symbol graph where a solid line between data points indicates one type of change and a dotted line indicates the other. Is there any way of doing this? I am thinking of something like the control of individual data points which is available by holding down CTRL while double clicking on the point.




184 Posts

Posted - 10/15/2002 :  3:25:10 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
My idea is rough, but you can do this by trying the following:

  1. Add two columns to the same worksheet (Column: Add New Columns).

  2. Copy and paste your original X and Y data into the two new columns.

  3. Set the copied X column to an X column (Column: Set As X).

  4. Delete the first row of data in the new X and Y columns.

  5. Select and plot the two Y columns as Line and Symbol (Plot: Line + Symbol). Note: You can use the CTRL key to select non-adjacent columns.

  6. Ungroup the two data plots in the Layer N dialog (Double-click on the layer icon in the top left corner of the graph window to open the Layer N dialog).

  7. Select 2 Point Segment from the Connect drop-down list on the Line Tab in Plot Details for both data plots (Format: Plot).

  8. Click OK to close Plot Details

I think at this point you'll have something that looks somewhat like what you want. It might need some minor modifications, but I leave those up to you.

I don't believe there is any other (easy) way to do this.

- rtoomey

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1965 Posts

Posted - 10/16/2002 :  12:04:12 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

There is no graphical way to do this right now. You will need to create duplicate datasets and plot them differently to do this.

If the changes that you want to mark differently are in arbitrary positions in your data, then you could try something like below:

Say you want to have red color for line segments that go up and blue for line segments that go down, with the following data:

Here, the first two cols have the original data and the next two groups of cols have data split up according to the trend in the data (going up, or going down). You can then graph the last two Y columns (have them ungrouped) and then apply line styles and colors etc. to them, like below:

Creating the additional columns can be done using Origin C (ver 7 required) or LabTalk script, and the graph settings can be saved in a template etc. for repeated use.


Edited by - easwar on 10/16/2002 12:09:47 PM
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