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 PLot setup dialog
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Posted - 08/22/2015 :  08:33:09 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
I have an origin project with two Workbooks (Book1 and Book2) with one worksheet. Both of the worksheets have the same structure (same long names and so on), but hundreds of columns and different data. I created a plot based Book1. I copied the plot and want to replace some of the curves by the data stored in Book2.

I know that you can use the setup plot dialog to replace the data, but you have manually select the corresponding columns from Book2, which is quite time consuming if to be done for many columns.

In the dialog I can see this table:
[Book1]Sheet1! A(X), B(Y)
[Book1]Sheet1! A(X), C(Y) and so on

It would be the easiest way to change just be typing Book2 instead of Book1 (or substituting the 1 by 2), because both books contain the same structure. It seems that this is not possible with version 9.1, isn't it?

Create a template also is not appropriate, because I want to change only some of the curves.

Is there an EASY way to replace the curves?


1411 Posts

Posted - 08/22/2015 :  1:38:23 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

We have batch plotting since Origin 9.1.

So right click the graph window title you made with all columns of Book1, and choose Duplicate (Batch Plotting): Duplicate with New Sheets/Books.

It will detect if there are workbooks or sheets with same structure.
Pick Book2 and click OK
U will get same graph with all columns from Book2.

In the coming Origin 2016, we will allow saving graph template with all data information so that graph1 and book1 don't have to exist in the same project. You can do smart plotting from cloneable graph templates.

Thanks, Snow
OriginLab Corp.

Edited by - snowli on 08/22/2015 1:40:45 PM
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