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Posted - 09/29/2015 : 3:18:08 PM
Origin Ver. 8 and Service Release SR0(Select Help-->About Origin): Operating System:Windows XP or Origin Ver. 2015 and Service Release SR0(Select Help-->About Origin): Operating System:Windows 8.1
I need fitting a Langevin function, in which one parameter must be firstly optimized by using a Lognormal distribution. The complete equation is:

and the parameters to fit are: y0, Ms, d, A, w, b and c
Please, note that the variable is “x”, but the integral is related to “d”. Thus, d parameter must be previously optimized to be used in each interaction step. Can you help me, please? |
262 Posts |
2 Posts |
Posted - 10/06/2015 : 4:04:40 PM
Hello jasonzhao,
Thank u for replay. I used the mentioned turorial, bur the curve fit return that the great dependence of the variable. I use this script:
return (cosh(0.06108*(exp(ixc))^3*(ih+x))/sinh(0.06108*(exp(ixc))^3*(ih+x)))-1/(0.06108*((exp(ixc))^3*(ih+x))) * (iA * exp(-(ln(t/ixc))^2/(2*iw^2)) / (sqrt(2*PI)*iw*t));
with Integration variable: t Arguments: ixc, iw, iA, ih
Parameters: y0,xc,w,A,h,Ms,B
and the Function body is:
y0 + Ms*integral(MyIntegrand, 0.00001 ,+inf ,xc ,w ,A ,h)+B*x
Observing the expression that sent the first post, I'm making a mistake? At where?
Could you help me again? |
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