Hello, I'm trying to write a script to analyse my data faster. (One Data set contains 25 Graphs), but I'm a raw recruit :/ I made it to smooth the data and I need to integrate each graph in a certain area (baseline: endpoints line).
I use
plotxy iy:=(1,2:end) plot:=200
to plot the data (which works fine) and
int ix1:=xindex(0.005%c); int ix2:=xindex(0.018%c);
range rr=(%c)[$(ix1):$(ix2)]; integ1 rr baseline:=1; integ1.=;
to integrate it. Problem: The Integration is only carried out for one of the Graphs, but not for all 25. How can I change it so that in the "result-Window" the result for each graph is shown?
Thanks in advance for any help! |