Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 9.0.0 Operating System:Windows 8
Hi all I need to do a lot same style plotting graphs....... My question is how can I create a template or script to batch process it
I have a lot workbooks with X, Y1, Y2, Y3 and so on. Now i want to plot them in the same graph in which i want to represent Y1(only y1) as scatter plot and Y2,Y3....(all the rest) as a line plot .I know how to do this manually. I have to line plot every Y and change Y1 to scatter. It is pain to manually do this to hundreds of workbooks. I also tried to save graph as template but it did not work. The template will scatter plot all the y .
So I wonder if there is a way I can make a script or template to repeat this plotting process.
In Origin 2016, we introduced cloneable templates which remembers data info. in template.
Then for matching worksheets, as long as worksheet matches the template, you can direct use Plot: User Defined: <template> to plot such graph without the need to highlight data.