Hi everyone I am trying to run the NLFit wizard on windows 10. The problem comes from the size of the window that pops. For some reasons it appears too small and I cannot change its size. So I cannot see or click on any of the icons to do the fitting. Any help is very welcome
However, if the problem only happens on the NLFit dialog.
The first thing you can try is to click the "Hide Top" and "Show Less" buttons several times to shrink/expand the NLFit dialog. These buttons locate next to the button series of "Fit" "Done" and "Cancel".
If this doesn't work, you might need to clear the registry key for this NLFit dialog, to do this, you need to follow the steps below: 1) In the Windows Task Manager, make sure all Origin processes are killed. 2) Open the Run box in Windows 10 (Press Win [Windows key] + R on your keyboard. This can be done either while at Windows 10 Start menu/Metro screen or on Windows 8 desktop.) 3) Type "regedit.exe" (without the quotes) and hit "OK". 4) Windows UAC will prompt you to confirm you want to open Register Editor - hit "Yes": 5) In the left panel, browse to the folder HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\OriginLab\Origin 9.0\International\Dialogs\Non-Linear Fitting, and delete this folder 6) Restart Origin and see if the NLFit dialog is showing properly.