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 Access of Menubar Commands
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141 Posts

Posted - 02/27/2003 :  10:13:37 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Hello, all

I yust want to ask if it is possible to directly invoke menu commands within OriginC or LabTalk?

In special I want to call the menu command:
"Analysis" -> "Average Multiple Curves"
within an OriginC function.

How can I do this? Whats the function called, that performs the task?


-- --
Dipl.-Ing. Hans-Joerg Koch
Siemens VDO, Regensburg


Mike Buess

3037 Posts

Posted - 02/27/2003 :  10:42:20 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Hajo,

You can find out what a menu command does as follows.

1> Open script window.
2> Press <Ctrl>+<Shift> and select the menu item you're interested in.
3> The menu ID for that command shows up in the script window.
4> Additionally, if the command launches a LabTalk script then the relevant run.section() command shows up in the script window and the scrift file opens to that section in CodeBuilder.

When I tried that with Analysis -> Average Multiple Curves I saw the following in the script window...

Menu id=34160

So there are two methods you can use to run that menu command from LabTalk (or OriginC with LT_execute).

1> menu -e 34160; // run the command with the given menuID.
2> run.section(GRANALY,AveCurves); // run the script section

Note that menuIDs can change from one Origin version to the next, so method 2 is more reliable.

Mike Buess
Origin WebRing Member
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141 Posts

Posted - 02/27/2003 :  10:50:18 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Thanks Mike

is that feature somewhere documented?


-- --
Dipl.-Ing. Hans-Joerg Koch
Siemens VDO, Regensburg

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Mike Buess

3037 Posts

Posted - 02/27/2003 :  11:26:54 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
It's mentioned under the "menu" command description in the LabTalk programming guide. (Look for the "-e ID" option.) The feature has been around at least since Origin 5.0, probably longer.

Mike Buess
Origin WebRing Member

Edited by - Mike Buess on 02/27/2003 12:20:31 PM
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4 Posts

Posted - 03/08/2024 :  05:32:11 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
This is a review of a very old topic.
Currently, when using CTRL+SHIFT, the XFunction Code Builder opens up. So the oldfashioned approach no longer works, which is a pity.

What I am to do with the cope snippet that appears is totally unclear and as to my search completely undocumented.

The functionality I am looking for is to have a scripting command that does calculations and outputs result sheets just the same way as manual calling the menu would do.

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Posted - 03/26/2024 :  06:24:54 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi, you can open the X-Function dialog(not code builder), then click the top-right triangle button. Choose Generate Script at the menu bottom so that you can run the script in LT to do the same thing.

see details on

Originally posted by CoMic

This is a review of a very old topic.
Currently, when using CTRL+SHIFT, the XFunction Code Builder opens up. So the oldfashioned approach no longer works, which is a pity.

What I am to do with the cope snippet that appears is totally unclear and as to my search completely undocumented.

The functionality I am looking for is to have a scripting command that does calculations and outputs result sheets just the same way as manual calling the menu would do.


Edited by - jasmine_chan on 03/26/2024 06:26:08 AM
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4 Posts

Posted - 04/03/2024 :  10:49:54 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Jasmine
thank you for your reply. I tried it out on several functions and some work like charm (e.g. grubbs, freqcounts), whereas others throw an 'X-Function not supported'-error (e.g. OneSampleTtest), at least on my system. Why some work and others don't is not obvious to me.

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Posted - 04/06/2024 :  11:06:52 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Indeed some XFs are designed as script-not-accessible, so Generate Script is not such case, you can search OneSampleTtest on
You will find ttest1 can be called by script

Originally posted by CoMic

Hi Jasmine
thank you for your reply. I tried it out on several functions and some work like charm (e.g. grubbs, freqcounts), whereas others throw an 'X-Function not supported'-error (e.g. OneSampleTtest), at least on my system. Why some work and others don't is not obvious to me.


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