Hi Thomas,
First you should pay attention to the difference between "(makor/minor) ticks" and "tick labels";
You can place tick labels at the positions of the ticks.
Now, you see Graph1 in the following sample:
This is the approach what you have been taking. The options that you need to specify are in two locations
- one in Scale tab for ticks, and the other in Tick Labels tab.
Scale tab> Major Ticks>
Type="By Custom Positions", Position="[Book1]Sheet1!A"
Tick Labels tab> Display subtab>
Type="Tick-indexed dataset", Dataset Name="[Book1]Sheet1!C"
If you want to use the regular equi-spaced ticked instead of the custom tick positionst, you can specify
the "special ticks" in the "Special Ticks" tab. You get the graph like Graph2 above.
Special Ticks tab> => Add:
"At Axis Value"=0, "Label"="Start"
"At Axis Value=10, "Label"="End"
Hope this helps.
--Hideo Fujii