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 Get Y (at X) of base curve based on derivative cdn
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Posted - 11/25/2016 :  06:08:20 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 2016 b9.3.226
Operating System: Windows 10 64 bit

I have a curve with about 1200 data points.
I have generated the first and second derivative curves for the data.

I want to find the Y values from the base curve, when certain conditions are met in 1st and 2nd derivative.

For example, In 1st derivative becomes 0, what is the X value and what is the Y- value in base curve. Also, if second derivative has 4 inflection points, then what are the corresponding Y values from the base curve.

Can anybody suggest a method or solution for this?


287 Posts

Posted - 11/28/2016 :  06:23:17 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

Do you use "Analysis: Mathematics: Differentiate" tool to get the derivative?

If so, by default the output value will create in a new column next to the source dataset. (Output =(<input>,<new>) )
You can find both source and the result dataset in the same worksheet.
So you will not need to find the source data in other method.

If I misunderstand your question, could you please tell us more detail about your quetison?

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Posted - 11/29/2016 :  01:26:49 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hello Jacqueline,

Thanks for your reply to my query. Yes, I did use the specific feature that you mention. In this manner, I have generated the derivative curves and have the new columns.

Now, what I want is:

To find out X, Y values of base curve when the X, Y values in derivative curve meet certain criteria. For example, I want to know X, Y values of base curve, when the Y in derivative curve is 0, and when Y in derivative curve turns from positive to negative.

That is what I want to do. Is there some code or command to get this instead of manually reviewing the data?

Originally posted by JacquelineHe


Do you use "Analysis: Mathematics: Differentiate" tool to get the derivative?

If so, by default the output value will create in a new column next to the source dataset. (Output =(<input>,<new>) )
You can find both source and the result dataset in the same worksheet.
So you will not need to find the source data in other method.

If I misunderstand your question, could you please tell us more detail about your quetison?


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Posted - 11/29/2016 :  05:56:43 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

1. If you do not need to update source data and recalculate the result, you can click on the green lock (on the header of the column) and choose "Recalculate Mode: None". And add a Data Filter on the result column. Then you can custom the fiter condition to find the datasets.

Please refer to this help page:

2. If you want to keep recalculation mode on your result column, you can try to use Worksheet Query tool to extract the dataset matching your condition to a new sheet or book. (Choose menu: Worksheet: Worksheet Query)

Please refer to this help page:


Edited by - JacquelineHe on 11/29/2016 05:59:42 AM
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