How to perform cumulative or window-shifting standard deviation on a column of values?
I would like something analogous to the sum() function where one can define Col(B) = sum(Col(A)) to get a cumulative sum. If I use Col(B)=StdDev(Col(A)) I get the same unique value on every row of Col B.
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 8.0 Operating System: Windows 7
Thank you for your help. This formula doesn't seem to work for me. It generates no error so I suppose the syntax is correct, but the result column is simply filled with "--" where the calculated values should be. Is there a way to run this formula other than in the Set Column Values tool?
Thank you, I've tried the script both from the command line and from a script file. The result is the same as previously, it runs without error but only "--" is displayed in the cells instead of calculated values. I ended up using another software (GNU Octave) to do this and I pasted the results back in Origin. But for future cases, if someone knows of a way that's compatible with Origin 8, it would come handy.