Here is an easy method. It assumes your worksheet contains ncols columns and nrows rows.
1> With worksheet showing select Edit->Convert to Matrix->Direct 2> Select Matrix->Set Dimensions 3> Set Columns=ncols*nrows and Rows=1. OK. (Creates single row) 4> Matrix->Transpose (Converts to single column) 5> Edit->Convert to Worksheet->Direct
In case you are not using Origin 7 or 7.5 this can also be done in LabTalk. Start with the original ncols by nrows worksheet active...
mat.wksName$=%H; ncols=wks.ncols; // find number of columns get col(1) -e nrows; // find number of rows win -t M; // open matrix window mat.matName$=%H; matrix -ps D ncols nrows; // set columns and rows mat.w2m(); // convert wks to matrix matrix -ps D ncols*nrows 1; // change matrix to single row matrix -t; // transpose (change to single column) win -t D; // open new wks mat.wksName$=%H; mat.m2w(); // convert matrix to wks %M=mat.matName$; win -c %M; // close matrix window del %M; // delete its data separately