We have been asked by the journal to convert all our bar charts to scatter plots. We have lots of conditions which makes it look awful. GraphPad has got a scatter plot plus bar chart option which looks great (see link below). Origin appears to only have "grouped box charts-raw data" which still doesn't look great. Can anyone help? Is there a function in Origin to make this possible? https://www.graphpad.com/support/faq/graph-tip-how-can-i-make-a-barcolumn-graph-that-also-shows-the-individual-data-points/
Origin 2017 provides this feature so that you can easily plot a box chart with the scattered data. To do this with an earlier version of Origin: You will need to first calculate the statistics to create a bar plot. Next you can add the scatter data as a box chart. If you have Origin 2016 you can select Plot--> Scatter--> Column Scatter.