Origin Version (Select Help-->About Origin): 7.5SR5 Operating System:Win XP Pro SP2
When preparing a graph, the X and Y axis legends as well as the legend box show "YL", "XL", "Legend" printed in courier font which I am unable to remove. I can write any Titles into the boxes but I cannot remove this text. When I go to the label control, and want to delete the XL, YL etc in the Object Name box, it tells me "An object already exists with this name. The object will not be renamed". This even happens with a single 2D layer graph. Also a Text Box is marked as "Text". Anything seems wrong with my general settings?
It sounds you like may be in what is known as "button edit mode." Activate the graph window and re-select Edit:Button Edit Mode (a check mark will appear next to the menu item when it is enabled).
Button Edit Mode is used for editing of objects to which a script is attached (such as in a button object that executes a script when it is clicked).