Hi dgiordano10,
It seems a bug of the Find Peaks in the Peak Analyzer. As far as I tested, Quick Peaks gadget works fine.
Could you please try it?
--Hideo Fujii
P.S. If you need to stick to the Peak Analyzer rather than Quick Peaks, you can meanwhile "fix" the position
of the markers by the following script:
1) Run the Peak Analyzer with Recalculation Mode = None. (or, you can reset later.)
2) Run the following script:
range rp=[Graph1]1!2; //Your plot is 2nd plot in Graph1
get rp -sy yoff; //Get the Y offset, and set to yoff
range rm=[Book1]Peak_Centers1!col(2); //Your marker dataset in Book1
rm=rm+yoff; //Add the offset to the marker position