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 Problem with applying Themes to graphs
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Viet Nam

Posted - 08/19/2005 :  11:18:59 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic

Origin Version: 7.5 SR0
Operating System:winxp

Hello everyone,

I tried to apply the same theme to all my graphs.
Works fine if I apply the "physical review letters" theme,
but I'd like to shift the legend a couple of centimeters to the left.
So I apply the theme to a graph, edited it and saved it as a user theme.
But if I apply the user theme to another graph, the scale is the
same as the one on my first graph.
Which renders it useless, because I can't see any datapoints.
Saving all styles and the text but not scale and dimensions and applying the thing again another graph, the legends position stays
the same.
Saving all styles,text and dimensions, the legends drops from the top right corner to the bottom. The y axis label shifts as well.

Does anyone have any hints on how to apply a preset theme, then
alter it and use this user theme for the graphs left,in particular
to move their legends .


Martin B

Edited by - RandomWireMan on 08/19/2005 11:22:35 AM


357 Posts

Posted - 08/19/2005 :  2:05:37 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Martin:

It sounds like the Physical Review Letters theme has most of what you are looking for but lacks any control over the legend. I would do this:

First, position the legend where you would like it, then right-click on it, saving it as a separate Theme. Then open the Theme Gallery (Format:Theme Gallery), select the new legend Theme and the Phys Rev Theme and combine them into a new Theme (you can rename the Theme once it is created).

See if that doesn't do it for you.

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Viet Nam

Posted - 08/20/2005 :  08:40:30 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Mike

I tried to save the legend as an extra theme, but if i apply it to
another graph, a box is drawn around it.
The legend doesnt either move at all or falls to the bottom.


Edited by - RandomWireMan on 08/20/2005 08:41:07 AM
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Mike Buess

3037 Posts

Posted - 08/20/2005 :  09:01:51 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Martin,

Not sure this will help but worth a try. Does the graph to which you are applying the theme already have a legend? If it does not have a legend create one with Graph > New Legend before applying the theme. If it does have a legend delete the legend and then apply theme.

Mike Buess
Origin WebRing Member
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1965 Posts

Posted - 08/22/2005 :  12:13:50 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Martin,

There could be multiple ways to acheive what you want.

One simple way is to do the following:
1> Create one of your graphs and apply the Phys Rev theme
2> Move and position your legend as desired
3> Save a template from this graph (using the File->Save as Template menu command)
4> Later when you have new data, use this custom template for plotting

If on the other hand you are interested in creating a separate theme just to position the legend as Mike suggeted, you need to do as follows:

1> Position the legend and then right-click and select Save Format As Theme to bring up theme dialog
2> Click on the Edit Theme (pencil) button and then the Filter button and turn off all options except the label and dimension as shown below, and click the Apply Filter button

3> Save this theme to disk with some name such as My Legend

Now, this theme will contain only the necessary elements to position it. However, the legend is usually attached to layer and so when used on another graph, the legend will still move. So need to change the attachment to absolute Page co-ordinates.

To do the above,
4> Bring up the Theme Gallery dialog (menu: Format->Theme gallery) and right-click on the theme you saved and select Edit
5> In the dialog, change Units to inch and Attachment to Page and hard code the position of the legend by specifying Left and Top values (such as 5.1 and 0.2 in the image example pasted below)

6> Save the change back to disk

Now you can apply this mini-theme to other graphs and the legend will be positioned in absolute page units. You can edit and tweak the left, top values till you get the legend to show up where you want it to show on the page. This of course will work as long as your page dimensions are same for all graphs.


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