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 Plotting 4D data
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Posted - 08/25/2005 :  11:25:50 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Version (Select Help-->About Origin): 6.5
Operating System: Win XP

I have 2 matrices (64x64) of data:
1) first matrix shows the spatial distribution of the average signal amplitude and
2) second matrix shows the distribution of "signal reliability" (an arbitruary measure of how this point behaved during sequential measurements)

what I basically need is to find an elegant way to plot these data.
I thought about 3D Color Map plot, where the plot itself (the altitude) would show the reliability, and the surface beneath the plot be not the projection, but color-coded amplitude distribution.
I downloaded several 3D demo projects from your web-site but the only I can have _beneath_ the color map plot is the projection.
Is there a way to insert a new matrix with data there?



1965 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2005 :  2:30:32 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Alexander,

The following is one way to do it, although not very elegant, it "works".

Add another layer to the graph, make layer 2 match layer 1 exactly in dimensions etc and then move in the second matrix to layer 2, make matrix 2 plot do projection and then turn off all other things related to matrix 2 such as surface, grid lines etc.

I took for example two default 32x32 matrices, filled one with values i*j and the other with values sin(x)*cos(y) and made the following plot where matrix1 is shown as surface and matrix2 is shown as projection.

If you start rotating one matrix etc, you would need to do the same exact settings to the other layer.

Here is the OPJ so you can get it and see what settings have been turned off etc.


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