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 3D plot possible that connects points with a line?
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Posted - 10/08/2018 :  08:48:44 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 2017 SR2
Operating System: Win7 x64

Hi there,

I have a specific need for a rather simple 3D plot, however, I seem to be unable to get such a plot in Origin.

Say, I have xyz data in the form of

x, y, result-for-x/y(=z)
where x and y are increased in a regular fashion.

The points are from a measurement so should be shown as points (ideally labeled with value). To better see trends, it would be great if these points could be connected by lines to both their x and y neighbours, that is x,y,z is line connected to x+-1,y,z and to x,y+-1,z.

I know this sounds a lot like a wireframe plot, but the wireframe plot does also diagonal lines between points (that is point xyz connects also to x-1,y+1,z neighbour) which has a negative impact on plot readability. There appears to be no option in Origin2017SR2 to control how points are connected. I added a wireframe plot where arrows show which lines I need to get rid off.

Is there any way to do such a plot in Origin?

Thanks, Hannes

Hideo Fujii

1582 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2018 :  11:55:38 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Hannes,

You can control the connection in the 3D Trajectory plot by inserting a row with missing values.
Please see the screenshot below, though the way to connected points may be not exactly what you wanted.

Hope this helps.

--Hideo Fujii

P.S. Just I thought you may also organize all your connections as XYXY, then you can make 3D Vector plot.

Edited by - Hideo Fujii on 10/08/2018 12:05:54 PM
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Posted - 10/09/2018 :  04:59:47 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Hideo,

thank you very much for your friendly support!

Honestly, I did not notice any changes in the wireframe plot when I inserted empty rows.

However, I tried your suggestion for the 3D vector plot and that works as intended. Nice!

Unfortunately, it requires a full reorganization of our data which is impractical and might introduce errors, so I guess we will have to stick to 2D plots.

I hope the flexibility of the 3D plots improves in the future!

All the best, Hannes
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Hideo Fujii

1582 Posts

Posted - 10/09/2018 :  09:42:14 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Hannes,

> Honestly, I did not notice any changes in the wireframe plot when I inserted empty rows.

As I mentioned in my previous message, the missing rows effect on a Trajectory plot, not on the
Wireframe (which is to produce the surface in a way).

> 3D vector plot... Unfortunately, it requires a full reorganization of our data which is impractical
> and might introduce errors.

I was imagining the same unless the actual amount of your data is not small. The size is more than
small amount, you probably need a script to convert your original data to a suitable structure.

I might be able to come up a snippet for what you envisioned, but I couldn't understand
what you wrote: "x,y,z is line connected to x+-1,y,z and to x,y+-1,z" .

Does it mean that when, say x[i] is the i-th row of X data:
Should the point at {x[i], y[i], z[i]} be connected to the following 4 points:
{x[i+1], y[i], z[i]}, {x[i-1], y[i], z[i]}, {x[i], y[i+1], z[i]}, and {x[i], y[i-1], z[i]} ?

If you're still interested in a script, let me know.

--Hideo Fujii
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8 Posts

Posted - 10/09/2018 :  11:51:28 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
hi Hideo,

again thank you for your excellent support!

I'm currently quite happy with the solution as 3D Vector plot, although I hope that 3D plots do get more flexible in the future (in 3D Vector Plots are e.g. no dashed lines possible).

We don't have too much data to reorganize so it's doable, but does not streamline well into our workflow. It shouldn't be a problem to write a small script if necessary.

Thanks for your time!

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Hideo Fujii

1582 Posts

Posted - 10/09/2018 :  4:41:01 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Hannes,

Sounds good. Good luck for the rest of your project! Meanwhile I will ask our developers if possible
to add the dashed line option to 3D Vector plot in a future release. Currently, 3D Line/Trajectory plot
has that option, though no arrow option there...

--Hideo Fujii
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Hideo Fujii

1582 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2018 :  2:57:46 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Dear Hannes,

My coworker suggested to convert your XYZ data to a matrix because 3D wireframe won't show
the diagonal connections. So, could you please try to see how it works, or not as you desired?

Anyway, we would like to improve the 3D plotting including your issue of using dash lines in 3D Vector
or Wireframe. (Our JIRA tracking#'s are: ORG-19172 and ORG-19160)

Thank you for your help to improve the 3D features in Origin.

--Hideo Fujii, OriginLab
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