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 Update on 7.5 install on Linux
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Posted - 11/20/2005 :  10:16:36 PM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
I have tried to install v. 7.0 (upgrade over 6.1 which installed just fine!) on a SuSE (9.3) machine running KDE and Crossover Office 5.0 Std. (latest release) with no success. I followed this failure with another trying to install 7.5 on a Debian machine running KDE/GNOME and Crossover Office 5.0 Std.

In both cases, they seem to hang at the serial number or license key entry. There are a number of internal error codes etc. which I can post if it is of interest...but I suspect it will be more useful to the people at Codeweavers than Origin users.

Anyway, if anyone has had any success, I would appreciate any advice! As I indicated above, Origin 6.1 installs fine and runs perfectly so far (even buttons/GUI/code have run without a hitch).



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Posted - 11/20/2005 :  11:11:40 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Here's an interesting twist. Although I have NOT been able to install v7.5 from CD using Crossover Office Windows install routine (either selecting CD/with unsupported bottle, OR selecting alternative .exe to launch), it DOES work for the 7.5demo that I just downloaded from the OriginLab web site (which means I have installed from the hard drive by simply double clicking on the downloaded .exe file).

Is there a known problem using the "install windows app" routine built into crossover office with Origin? or is it an issue with the way I have my CDROM set up on this machine? (actually, I have dual DVD/R).

Please let me know if anyone has any insights...


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Posted - 11/22/2005 :  7:43:59 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
I am currently evaluating the performance of Origin 7.5 running on a Debian (Sarge) machine with KDE 3.3 and Crossover Office 5 (standard demo) and have a few preliminary comments:

1. installation required direct launch of the .exe and did not work using the windows installation utility which is part of crossover office.
2. features evaluated so far appear to run flawlessy (plotting, nonlinear curve fitter, statistical data analysis, keystrokes etc.)
3. code written in LabTalk (the built-in scripting language) runs fine, and in fact, there are more issues with 7.5 in general (which are also seen in windows) where code runs differently than it does in Origin 7.0
4. I have seen a few display problems in the Origin's Code Builder interface, but this was easily solved by changing the fonts used in the default configuration.
5. the use of templates (worksheet, graph) and graphical buttons (to which code is attached) runs as expected.

Most of the code that I have written for Origin was done for version 7, and the preliminary "problems" I have seen so far were actually traced back to incompatibilities between version 7.5 and 7, and had nothing to do with running under crossover office. For that reason, I won't post any of my other observations until I am convinced it is truly related to running Origin 7.5 under linux.

In any case, I have been quite impressed in my preliminary evaluation so far, and will definitely post all my findings when the evaluation is complete.

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