Origin Ver. and Service Release (OriginPro 2018b (64-bit), b9.5.5.409): Operating System: Win10 Edu
Hello, I am trying to split a column into multiple columns which have different lengths. A new measurement (values stored in column A) is started with the letter "P" in another column (D). Sometimes the length of the measurement is 14, sometimes 15 rows (no pattern/logic behind that). To do is I found a solution which seems to fit perfectly (https://www.originlab.com/doc/Origin-Help/Split-Columns) -> By Reference Column: " Specify a reference column to split the source column. You can split the source column according to the values in reference column:
By Separator: You can specify a value(include <Blank or Missing> or <Text>) as separator to divide the source column into multiple column." So I would like to use "P" as the <Text>-seperator. However, the subgroup method "by reference column" is not available (see screenshot).
Is this an issue with my version or am I doing something wrong?