When trying to do a non-linear curve fit using the fitting wizard (a SineDamp fit) I keep getting an error message that reads "Error! Parameter(s) t0 is(are) not properly initiallized. Check their values" I was wondering if anyone had any insight into what this means.
SineDamp and most other built-in fitting functions have a parameter initialization procedure for finding the best parameter values with which to start fitting. In your case the procedure apparently failed to find a reasonable starting value for t0. You can enter your own guess like this...
1. Go to the wizard's Fitting Control page. 2. Click the Parameter Display button (4th from the right on the toolbar at the bottom of the page). 3. Enter a value for t0 and any other parameters that might be obviously incorrect and then click OK. 4. Click the 100 Iter. button in the Fitting Control box to perform the fit. (You might have to click it two or three times to zero in on a solid fit.)
What does the NLSF tool show for value of t0? If it is shown as "--" which is missing, then this parameter was not assigned an initial/guess value and thus fitting cannot proceed. If the value is not "--", then try setting it to a value that you know will fit the data well, and/or try assigning the value and then fixing the parameter.
If you encounter more problems, please send data to tech support so they can take a look and get back to you.