I have Raman mapping data that I need to preprocess using Baseline correction and Normalization and later plot a 2D mapping graph too. I could do the preprocessing manually for less data, but since the data is large now I have a problem doing the analysis. I would really appreciate any input or method that can be used to tackle the problem.
Thanks a lot for the reply. I have to do 5th Polynomial baseline correction for up to 5000 mapping points data. Furthermore, I have to select the range take an average value, and normalize the data by dividing the spectra-all lines by the average value. Please let me know if you can assist any further.
You can build an analysis template which contains baseline subtraction and normalization in one workbook, then run batch processing on other datasets. Please check this page for details: https://www.originlab.com/doc/Origin-Help/Batch-Processing
If you have valid license within maintenance, you can also send us <tech@originlab.com> an example how you handle one of your spectrums? We can also check further.